May: Yoga Playlist

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances. ”
Maya Angelou
“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12

"For in him we live and move and have our being ..."
Acts 17:28
Need some music for the month of May? Take what you like, leave what you don't. If you meet me on the mat this month, this is what you'll hear. Whatever you choose to do, let this music lead you into worship. Let your heart cry out to Him, the maker of heaven and earth. Join the choir, constantly in praise, around the throne. He is forever faithful and worthy of all praise.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
Love you Friends! Enjoy!

Praise Him with Every Breath

Monday, April 28, 2014

“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”
― Maria von Trapp   

My Friend Kristal Mindingall leading us in worship.

Last night the sanctuary was full of women worshiping the One True God. It was a really powerful time of praise and prayer. And I can not tell you how precious it was to me that we opened the service with a time of prayer and breathing. We took time to relax the mind, the heart and the breath. Hearts were moved and souls were stirred. Hands were lifted, knees were bowed and tears were shed. The music created an opportunity for women of all ages and backgrounds to gather in one room for one purpose and worship the one God. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of it.
 I needed it.

Afterward, we didn't want to leave. Many women hung around and talked hugged and laughed and met new friends. I sat in the parking lot for a while talking life with my sweet friend. This night was something we all needed. On the way home, I put on a new playlist and sung to the Lord at the top of lungs. My soul was refreshed.

"Breathe, breathe on me now
Open your mouth
And speak the word that heals this broken ground

Say, say what You will
Show us Your will
As we breathe in the very breath of God

Oh, Spirit of God
Here with us now, give in us life again
Breathe, breathe on us now
Fill us with Your love
Send us with Your power
Spirit of God"
Breathe, by The Brilliance

This song has meant a lot to me lately. It's been on several yoga playlist and it will most likely make the next one too. I love the imagery. It's a beautiful picture of the way the Holy Spirit works in our lives renewing and strengthening us for the work the Father has called us to.

If you read, Breathe In Grace, Breathe Out Praise, you'll know the importance of breathe in yoga and how much it means to me. If you couple that with the song above, you'll know why just one simple word can bring me straight into the presence of God, of grace and of praise.

Last week I made it a little more permanent in my life. So when I need a reminder that God is only a breath away, when I need to know that every breath is a gift of God, when I'm in the middle of a stressful situation, all I need to do is look down, take a breath and breathe in His Holy presence.

Easter is Over ... Now What?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

If you've been here in the last several days, you may have noticed that this post has changed several times. I published it, then took it down. Then I edited and reposted. I edited a little more. And then yesterday I just took it down. To say that I'm wrestling with this post is a huge understatement. But all in all, I do think its something I want to talk about. I want to hear what you think and why. I want us to be honest because that's where we begin to heal, right? And I want you to know that this post, Jesus is at the center. He is the Prince of Peace and we don't have real peace without Him.
So as you read, and as you respond, please know this is not easy for me to write. This post is written with peace in mind. Evil is real and its devastating in the way it captivates minds and hearts and does not allow you to even consider healing. But we all want to be whole, right? We all want healing?

A few months ago I read a story about a musical artist canceling a writers retreat she was leading because of the backlash on the location of the event. Here was the deal, she lives in the south and the conference was going to be at a local resort just outside of town. This particular resort was an old plantation. Turns out, many of her fans and people who originally wanted to attend the retreat were outraged. And they responded loudly. After some “discussion” (reading many of the over 5,000 comments to just the cancelation, I use that word very lightly) she canceled the event.

Her fans were unable to reconcile her political and social message with spending a weekend on a former planation where such tragedy and injustice was carried out. To those who voiced their opinions, she responded with, “for myself, I believe that one cannot draw a line around the plantation and say "racism reached its depths of wrongness here" and then point to the other side of that line and say "but not here".”  Her response was lengthy and well thought out, but she still canceled.
For me the more I read the more confused I got.  It's bothered me deeply and I've spent the last several months wrestling with why. Several words came to mind. Grace. Mercy.  Redemption. Reconciliation. Thank God for the Cross.

So lately I’ve been reading through the book of Acts. I love this book. I love watching the church be born and all the characters God uses to build His church come together. It’s an amazing time. But for today, I want to talk about just two. Paul and Barnabas. In Acts 13 we find a group of men gathered to worship and pray. (an extremely diverse group of people) This is where the Holy Spirit calls out Paul and Barnabas to serve and preach together. It doesn’t sound strange until you know their history.
Barnabas: He is first introduced in Acts 4:36, “Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet.” Barnabas was part of the church in Jerusalem. He wasn’t just part, but he was full on, submitting to the authority of God, sell your stuff because someone needs something, part of the church. He was a man known for encouragement. And let’s face it, at that time in Jerusalem, the church needed some encouragement.

So also hanging out in Jerusalem at the same time was Paul, but we first meet him as Saul. Just after the murder of Stephen, a messenger of the gospel,  in Acts 8:1-5, “And Saul approved of his execution. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. Devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him. But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.”
That was Saul before his conversion. He was a Jewish leader out to kill the spread of the message of Jesus. The bible says he literally entered house after house and dragged men and women out. Many believers were tortured, imprisoned and killed.

Let’s think about this for just a moment, the church is pretty small at this point. If Saul and Barnabas were in the same city and Saul is persecuting Christians, it’s not a big leap to say that Saul and Barnabas could have run into each other. I mean if not face to face, Saul most likely entered the homes of people Barnabas knew: his friends, his family, the ones he’s sold property for. Saul is not a friend of the church. These two men could not have been more different, Barnabas giving his life to build up the church and Saul doing all he can to destroy it. So how did these two men end up worshiping and working together to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ?

That, my friend, is the power of the redemptive work on the Cross. Jesus died there and was buried and three days later He rose from the dead. Because the gospel reconciles people who you would think there's no way they could ever be reconciled.

You’ve seen it. If you’ve been a believer for any amount of time, you’ve see it in your friends. You’ve heard testimonies of addicts who are no longer addicts. You’ve seen angry teenagers turn their lives around. You’ve seen marriages on the brink grow strong. On and on you could add to this list, and it could only get worse from here. These people, these testimonies,  yours and mine, we didn’t do anything but submit to Jesus. He did all the work because we couldn't. It's only in Him that we find the strength to overcome our past.

I'm just a girl saved by grace. I'm a white middle class girl living in the suburbs. Maybe that's you too, maybe it's not.  I can't help where and who and how or what color I was born. I just was. I was born into the family God chose for me and so where you. It's not a mistake not matter the circumstances surrounding your birth. So what right do I have to talk about any of this? Maybe that's the point.

Romans 3:21-26 "But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—  the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." Maybe that's what, Romans 8:28 means when it says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

We are all are born into sin and fall short of doing anything to fix it ourselves, no matter who or where or how you came to be here. We want to talk about how to deal with history, we want to talk about our own history, we have to look at it through the filter of the gospel. We can't fix it, we don't even really know how we feel about it. Again, maybe that's the point. Maybe it's God using all this mess to point us to Jesus. He wants to bring out minds back to the one who can reconcile and redeem it. Psalm 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

So, let me say this. If you look at this post and only see a discussion about race, you've missed my point because I didn't write it out well enough. Like I said at the beginning, Jesus is the point. Everything else just becomes a distraction. But, in all fairness, there are some subjects that are just loud. They blind and distract from real truth. So if you want to continue in a talk about racism, will you please first go listen to this amazing message, Racial Reconciliation by Matt Chandler. And then let's talk honestly and openly with healing in mind.

Easter is over, … now what?  Romans 5:1-5 "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

The Cross: It makes enemies friends. It makes standing on a piece of ground where epic injustice was carried out, a place where we can worship Jesus ... together.

Good Friday

Friday, April 18, 2014

This week as I've been preparing my heart for Easter I've been thinking about what I would share for Good Friday. Nothing I wrote sounded real but ended silly and forced. Then I came across this. I was left wrenched on the floor. So I wont try to say it differently. I wont even change one word.
This is an excerpt from a sermon series entitled The Cross, by Matt Chandler, Pastor of The Village Church. If you want to listen to the whole thing, and I plead with you to. You can find it here.  
Jesus, the night before He dies, gathers His disciples together for what would become communion, and He picks up this glass of red wine and He says, "This is the blood of the new covenant." Now, if you know anything about the Scriptures, that would have sounded unbelievably blasphemous to a 1st century Jew. "This is the blood of the new covenant." I drink it, you drink it. And they walk around the room, everybody’s confused. So Jesus says, "Okay, let Me go show you." And so, they leave and they go to the garden of Gethsemane. They walk into the garden, Jesus takes three of what was then the eleven because Judas went to become Judas, and He takes His three and says, "Will you guys pray with Me here, keep watch with Me, for I am overwhelmed to the point of death." That’s an interesting text if you ever want to dig into it to watch Christ, the Son of God, God in the flesh being overwhelmed to the point of death where He goes a little farther, falls on His face and pleads with God that "if there be any other way, let’s do it that way," while full on knowing that there is no other way. And so, Jesus comes back to His disciples and says, "Could you not keep watch with Me for even an hour?" They were all asleep, so the answer to that question is, "No, we can’t." Now, He reminds them what’s at stake, He walks back in, falls down and continues to pray. He comes back out an hour or so later and they’re asleep again. And so, He wakes them up this time and says, "This time, it begins." A mob led by Judas Iscariot walks up to Jesus, Judas walks right up to the face of Jesus, kisses Him on the cheek and calls Him "good teacher," and Jesus says, "You betray Me with a kiss." It’s an interesting text if you think about what’s going in universally here. The cross of Christ is the response of God toward men for belittling His name. Let me say it like this. The cross of Christ is because mankind, loved by God, created by God, put into place by God, betrays God and prefers His stuff to Him. Judas Iscariot, who had walked with Jesus, seen the miracles, seen the power of God, kisses Jesus’ face in betrayal. And in this one little picture, we have what’s going on in the universe.
So Peter, who had only been rebuked twice in the last hour and a half, decides that he needs another one. And so he pulls out his sword and tries to fight the high priest’s guards. It’s an interesting animal, Peter. He pulls the sword and fights the high priest’s guards, and three hours from then he doesn’t want to fight at all. But he cuts the guard’s ear off, Jesus picks up the guard’s ear, sticks it back on the guy’s head and says, "This isn’t how it’s going to happen. No one’s taking My life, Peter. I’m giving it." So, they arrest Jesus, and they try Him, six times they try Him. Three of the six would have been illegal by law. It was illegal and forbidden for the Jews to hold trial at night. Three of those trials were in the evening. They beat Him severely at each trial. The Scriptures say that they pulled the beard out of His face. They yanked the beard out of His face, they spit on Him and they mocked Him. They blindfolded Him and then slapped Him and then said, "Prophesy. Who slapped you? Which one of us was the one that slapped you? They pushed a crown of thorns down on His head, they gave Him a staff, put a purple robe on Him, "Hail king of the Jews," took the staff from Him and beat Him with it. And then Pilate, who wants no part of this, thinks that he can shame Jesus enough and beat Him severely enough that the Jews would let Him go. And so he beats Christ, God in the flesh, until He’s this mangled, bloody body that he sets in front and says, "What do we do now? How about we let him go?" The crowd, who five days earlier said "Hosanna, Hosanna" and laid down palm leaves as Jesus rode into town, now screams, "Crucify him." And the art of crucifixion, and I call it an art because it really was an art form back in that day. I mean, it was designed by the Romans over a period of time. The Romans ruled the world, and in order to rule the world at that time, you needed a lot of fear.
And so, their idea was, "If we can slaughter men and women wholesale over an extended period of time in a way that’s so horrific that no one would betray us for fear of having this happen, that would be ideal." And so, over a period of years, they came up with crucifixion that at times could take days for a man to die on a cross. They basically beat you and hang you in such a way that, over a slow period of time, your lungs fill with blood until you drown in your own blood. And they were like, "The act of death isn’t enough. We need shame involved. So, let’s strip the person naked, and let’s put them in a public square where every lowlife imaginable can come out and taunt, can come out and spit, can come out and yell. Let’s make a spectacle of it, and then the shame of the spectacle coupled with the agonizing death, this will be a deterrent for anybody ever rebelling against us." And so, Jesus is taken out, and He’s nailed to a cross. And in the irony of ironies, the high priest is there mocking Him. Men and women spitting upon Him, quoting Scripture to Him. I mean, the whole thing’s wrought with irony as His lungs fill with blood. The beating He sustained beforehand probably aided in the pace of His death. He died a lot quicker than most men on the cross. It goes dark in the middle of His crucifixion. A lot of people say that was God turning His back on Jesus. The problem with that is the Bible. Go read Psalm 22 this afternoon. God does not turn His back on Jesus ever. By the way, all the sins of the world, God was aware of them before they happened, so it’ wasn’t like that surprised God all of a sudden. "All the sins of the world, I can’t look!" Yeah, He can’t help but look. He sees everything. And so, it goes dark, one of the Roman soldiers says, "Uh oh, maybe He truly was the son of God." Jesus utters, "It is finished." And the earth shook and the veil in the temple tore, and this is what happened to God.
Matt goes on to talk about the old testament system of sacrifice for the removal of sin. And it goes like this,  
"If you commit this sin, this is what it costs. If you commit this sin, this is what you have to sacrifice." Maybe two doves, maybe a lamb, maybe a goat, maybe a bull depending on what your sin was. And so, in the tent of meetings and in Jerusalem, blood was always flowing. Blood always flowed from the temple. Can you imagine the stench in Jerusalem? It’s like every day, hundreds and thousands of people are walking in with a goat, a lamb, a chicken, a dove. And they’re coming in and they’re blood letting it. They’re cutting its throat and draining its blood, and a river of blood is flowing out of the temple. And God
says, "Here’s what we’re going to do. Once a year, we’re going to do something called the Day of Atonement. On top of all these other sacrifices, once a year, here’s what I want. The high priest, the Levite of the house of Aaron, he’s going to come before Me and he’s going to bring a bull and a ram, and he’s going to blood let those two for his family and for himself." So the high priest comes in, kills the bull, drains its blood, kills the ram, drains all its blood, catches those fools on fire and then walks out. He then bathes, puts on new linens, puts on a new turban, puts on a new tunic, puts it all on and then he brings two lambs, two goats. He brings in the two goats, he walks into the holy of holies after they’ve burned incense, he brings in the two goats and he confesses sin over the one goat and he takes the blade and he bleeds it. And then he prays over the other goat all the sins of Israel, and then they put that goat on a leash and lead him out into the wilderness. One goat absorbs the wrath of God towards sin. The other goat, the scape goat, they take the other goat into the wilderness, and the other goat carries away the sins of Israel. And this is the system they were in.

Now, here’s the problem with the sacrificial system, both then and now. God doesn’t need sacrifices. God’s going, "I don’t need your bulls, I don’t want your goats. You’re missing the point. I’m trying to communicate to you how disgusting and how horrible and how costly your sin is before Me. And instead of feeling that weight and instead of understanding that, you just keep doing what you’re doing, but you keep bringing Me goats and bulls like that’s what I really want."

So, Jesus picks up the cup, and He says, "The old covenant is over or rather is fulfilled. Drink this, the blood of the new covenant." And Jesus becomes the two lambs, the Lamb of God. And the blade of God’s wrath penetrates the Son and bleeds Him and absorbs the wrath of God towards mankind. And the iniquity of man is placed upon the head of Jesus, so that at His physical death, the iniquity of mankind would be carried away. And this is what is meant by "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."
Friends, that is Good Friday. It was Gods plan from day one. It wasn't plan B. It's for you and for me. Three days later, after Jesus was wrapped in linen and buried in a tomb, He rose from the dead. He conquered death. For 40 days he walked the earth and taught the disciples. Then he went back to heaven. He's there today at the right hand of God waiting to hear the words, "It's time. Go get them."

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Friday, April 11, 2014

Here is a little honestly for you. I've written this post four times and deleted each one. Why? Any time I try to make Jesus look good, I just sound stupid. It does not matter what I think about Jesus and if you're honest, you don't care what I think about Jesus. The things I think and say are meaningless compared to the truth of who He is and what He can do.
So here is the truth Friends. I was a girl raised in a home with believing parents. My Grandfather was a pastor, my Uncle is a pastor, my Cousin is a pastor. Thy did their best to teach me to Love God and Love Others. To say that I was raised around Jesus is an understatement. If the church doors were open, we were in them. I grew up knowing all the Sunday School answers. I can quote scripture to you. Bible Drill, I bet I could drop you every time! But I didn't meet Jesus until I was 18. Sound silly to you? It's not, and I'm not the only one.
Here is the thing Friends, I grew up in a generation that focused on moral issues rather than the transforming power of the gospel. I was taught to be good, respect my elders and give honor to my country. I was taught "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am." I'm part of the please and thank you generation. You treated each other the way you wanted to be treated. You don't steal, you don't lie, you don't do drugs or drink. And by glory, you saved yourself for marriage. You obeyed all the rules and you knew there would be consequences if you didn't. Are those things wrong? By No Means! Those are all good things. I want my own children to know and do them. The problem is, if that's what we're  focused on, we miss the entire reason we're doing them in the first place. Preach truth. Teach Jesus and those things will be the fruit of your salvation. They'll be put in their proper place and they'll make since.
I tried those things only until those things didn't bring me peace. I did all that I was taught Jesus wanted of me. But I was still hopeless and sad. So in my mind I tried Jesus and He didn't work. Truth: I never even met Him.
By the time I was 18 I was going my own way and I was as lost and hopeless as ever. Until the day I actually met Him. And when I did, it was because He finally opened my eyes to my own need for Him. When I heard truth for the first time, it was transforming and powerful. Jesus came not to condemn me, but to give me life. Life Everlasting.
If you don't know Him, the fact that you're even reading this is proof that He's drawing you to Him. He wants to do the same thing for you. Stop trying to be good before you come to Him. You can't. That's His job.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
John 3:16-21
Truth Friends. It will set you free. And those who Christ sets free, you are free indeed.

Breathe in Grace & Breathe out Praise: The Importance of Breath in Yoga

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Its Tuesday morning. I woke up early to pray and prepare for my 10am yoga class.
Outside it is foggy and damp from yesterdays rain.
Today is the second day of spring break and my kids are full of energy and literally jumping from couch to couch singing the song from "Frozen" at the top of their lungs.
 It's 6:23am.

Maybe you've been practicing for years or you've never stepped foot on a mat in your life. Either way, this journey starts the same for each of us. Each class starts in a comfortable position focused on your breath. For some, this can be really frustrating because all you want to do is jump into asana. I watch my classes, and in every single one, there are two points where we collectively struggle. It does not matter if its a slow grounding class or if I'm really pushing my yogis, the beginning focus on breathing and the end savasana. We just can't sit still. Our minds wander and our breathing is all over the place and our asana suffers. By forgoing these two important parts of practice, we are sacrificing the thing we want most without even realizing it.

What is it that brings you to your mat? Why do you practice?

Listening to a class by Brooke Boon, the founder of Holy Yoga, she said something along the lines of, "Did you know that design of classic yoga is to tire out the mind and body for meditation." Friends, this sums up practice for me. I step on my mat to draw close to my creator.
I can not meditate on God's word without a clear mind. I can not listen to Him until I drown out all the other voices, to do lists and worries that crowd my thoughts. I must, before I move in praise, draw near and place those things in His hands. It's only then I can begin to appreciate my freedom in Christ enough to move in worship and praise. That time that's set aside at the beginning of each class, it's purposeful. Don't rush through it. Each breath is a gift from God. We get to choose what we do with each one.
Do a quick Google search and you'll find that learning to control and lengthen your breath can help with reducing stress and anxiety; promote restful sleep; ease pain; increase attention and focus; and help you connect to a calm, quiet place so you can experience greater clarity and well-being. But why do you think breath does that? Because that's the way God designed the body.
We are created beings who long to connect to our Creator. That's what yoga does for me. I step on my mat and take a moment to relax and breathe. I place all my distractions at His feet because He can take care of each one. As I breathe, I turn my focus on Him, because we never practice with an empty mind, but with a focused mind and heart. I meditate on His words, His promises. I breathe in His all sufficient grace. And I have no choice but to breathe out His praise.

He is With Me

Friday, April 4, 2014

In my life, much like yours, I wear many hats. I am a daughter of the One True King! I am wife to Jamie, mom to my kids, daughter, sister and friend. I'm a yoga instructor. I'm a Life Group leader at church. The list could go on, but you get the idea. You've got your own list.

In this life I get to switch between hats quickly and sometimes wear several at the same time. It's a balancing act at best. It can be overwhelming and down right frightful ... until I am reminded that I am not doing this alone. Oh, I can do it alone if I want to. I have and have failed miserably! I fall flat on my face every time. I can become proud and self-righteous. I surely don't need help there.

Friends, God gives us all that we need in His word. I have to learn this over and over and over. In all the hats I wear, why do I feel like one hat requires less instruction than another? In my role as wife, I can turn to scripture and find the perfect instruction. In my role as mother, it's my responsibility to win my child's heart for Christ. Everything else will fall into place if their tender hearts long for His glory early in life. And on and on in each situation with each hat he's given me to wear, there is already perfect instruction if I'll only look for it, ask for it and seek it out! God's word is alive and active, the bible tells us that in Hebrews 4:12. He speaks to me through His word if I let Him.

Here is were things get sticky for me. I can learn and I can study and I can meditate day and night. But then I have to get up and actually do the thing. That for me is where the fear comes in. What if I get it wrong? What if no one cares? What if ... what if ... what if ...

Friends, here is the beauty of it all. I am not alone. He is with me wherever I go. He is there to strengthen me and give me courage. If I'm faithful to meditate on His word. If I'm faithful to follow where He leads, there is no need for fear. I can not teach what I do not know, so the first step is to root myself in His word so that in times of trouble I can know what I need to know because it's already in my heart. When I'm speaking to my husband, when my kids are testing my last resolve, when my sister needs prayer, when my friend needs encouragement ... He is with me.

He wants to be there for you too. Will you let Him?

Play it Again, April

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hey Friends! Welcome to SPRING!! I hope that you are digging out from under the melting snow and stretching your dry and tired bones.
This month we get to celebrate Easter. We're going to take the opportunity to sit and rest and marvel at Amazing Grace. As we sit, we breathe. So we'll be talking about breath and the importance of breath in practice. We'll also be talking about Jesus and how His coming turned everything upside down. So, yes, we'll also be talking about inversions.
But for now, here is the music. Before we unroll our mats, take a moment and grab a cup of coffee. Grab your bible. Grab your music player and sit, listen and breathe Him in. He's waiting for you.

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