Who I am and Why I'm here

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Who I am

Hey Friends! I’m Annie. My name comes from my great grandmother who was a strong and wise woman. I have loving parents who did their best to teach me what it means to love God and love others and give more than I take. I have a husband who makes me the luckiest girl, a boy who makes me laugh and a girl who keeps me on my toes. I am passionate about my God and his grace that I live under daily. My strength comes from Him and Him alone. Meet my family! It's nice to put a face with a name, you'll be hearing a lot about them. 

 Acts 17:28 “for in Him we live and move and have our being …”

I found yoga in 2005 and fell in love the first time I stepped on a mat. I’m so thankful for a God who refuses to leave me comfortable and continues to grow and stretch me. In 2012, I felt the Lord call me into teaching. It has been an amazing journey so far. I am praying about getting my 225h certification in Holy Yoga. If you don't know anything about this amazing ministry, please go check them out. 

Why I'm Here

Why Wayfarer Annie? I started this blog as a way to keep track of my own journey. I don’t claim to be an expert at anything, I’m not a doctor and I’m not a nutritionists, I’m just one girl on a journey to find health and wholeness in Christ. And I’m taking it one step at a time, enjoying the journey mostly barefoot. I’m learning how to breathe Him in on my mat. I’m learning that feeding my heart, feeding my soul and feeding my body are not all that far apart. I’m learning to live a life that glorifies Him in all I do. I want to Love God and Love People. I want to teach my children that being brave enough to trust Him is always worth the risk. And I want to share with you what I’m learning. And I want to know what you’re learning too!

So roll out your mat or grab a cup of coffee and join me. Let's talk, let's practice and let's pray together. 

wording adapted from my friend Mandy at shebreathesdeeply.com


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    1. I didn't mean to delete this! I tried to hit respond and it deleted instead. SOO SOO SORRY! And thank you for the lovely compliment. I love having you in class! Always brightens my day. ~Annie


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