Finding Freedom: July Yoga Playlist

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Oh Friends, this playlist was painful in the process and beautiful in the conception. When I set out to make a playlist for July, I wanted the theme to be freedom. I'm not sure if that's what I've accomplished here, but I can tell you that several of these songs brought me to tears.
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
Friend, if you have found freedom in Christ, don't become a slave to anything else. There is such freedom to be had in understanding that we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and therefore never have to be a slave to anything again. Not food, not body image, not money, not wine, not time. We are free. Hold fast to that Friend.
Be Set free: Josh Garrels
Reason: Tal & Acacia
Break Every Chain: Will Reagan
Freedom Road: Amber Hunter
More than Conquerors: Rend Collective
Freedom: Josh Garrels
Alabaster: Rend Collective
Children of the Earth: Josh Garrels
Oceans: Hillsong (Zion Acoustic Sessions)
Vapor: The Liturgists
Oh this last one, Vapor, brought me to my knees Friends. If you don't listen to any of these, please find this one. Beautiful. Holy.
As always, these are my suggestions for the month. I hope that you'll take them and get on your mat. Open your heart and mind before the Lord in worship. If that's not your thing, listen in the car. Whatever you do, I hope that you meet with God in a powerful time of worship and adoration to our King.
We are Free Friend, Free to worship the one who breaks chains.


  1. Awesome playlist! I listened to every song, some of them I had not heard and I really liked. Thanks for sharing your playlists :)

    1. As far as music goes, I am obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with Josh Garrels. I really love his style and the way he presents the message. So good. The last song, Vapor was another I couldn't get off repeat for a while. Glad you enjoyed them Friend!


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