Sunday: Get on the Bus

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Today is the day Friends! It's here!

God has worked in me so much to get me to this day. I can't tell you ... I just sit here in tears at how loving and faithful our God is. He completes what He starts Friends. Oh how much I want you to know that and experience that in your own lives. 

This has been one amazing story from the start. God has brought many characters into this story. Some I have known for a long time and others, I may never meet this side of heaven. But isn't that just like our God? It's all His story. We just get to play a small part. I'm so thankful. 

So Friends, pray with me. Pray that as I get on this plane and fly across the country that God holds it all together in his palm. Pray that as I board that bus with my sisters and brothers in Jesus, that we'll become a family before we get off. Pray with me Friends for all the people that God has for us to minister to after we come home. Because this gift of training, this gift of loving, it's not meant for us to hoard unto ourselves. It's meant for us to share. To spread the gospel of Jesus. So pray with me Friends. 

And if you don't know Him, ask me. I would love nothing more than to tell you about my Jesus.

Saturday: Rest

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Well Friends, it's the night before I leave for retreat. And thing are right on schedule. WVU played a great game and lost by 1 in the last 4 seconds. The husband is sad. The kids have been running around all day on a sugar high from Halloween candy. (we found them behind the couch several times today sneaking more) So of course now they are crashing with lots of wining and crying and oh my belly. Brewer is convinced that he's going to throw up at any moment. Please pray he doesn't. I really don't want to have to deal with that tonight. My dog keeps looking at my bag and then at me. He's following me around everywhere and I've literally tripped over him twice. If I break my leg tripping over the dog the night before retreat ... well ... I guess it was Gods plan all along. 

Those are just a few of the things going on in my house right now. I can only imagine all that the evil one is plotting at your homes and the homes of all those men and women who will join me tomorrow. So, we all need some prayer. 

My flight leaves at 7am tomorrow morning. Pray for me. Pray for rest. I need some rest. I need to feel my Jesus with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I need to rest in the knowledge that He's holding my family while I'm gone. I need to step away from my life and reconnect to His mercy and His grace. And I can't wait to do just that. I know it's coming, or the evil one wouldn't be fighting so hard to steal it from me and from you. 

My bags are packed and there is nothing left for me to do. So pray for ... rest. Pray for the rest of the things that I can't think to pray for. Pray for the whatever the Lord lays on your heart to pray for. 

Thank you for being part of this with me. Thank you for your prayers and for your support. 

Open Up Let the Light In

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Friends, I am leaving tomorrow for Holy Yoga retreat. I am beyond words excited to see what all God has planned for me there. But more, what He wants me to bring back to you! I am completely in awe of the Great God we serve. He continutes to blow me away at every turn. 

Here is the playlist of songs that have meant something to me over the last few weeks and months. Looking toward Thanksgiving and trying to give thanks for all He's done. I will never live enough Thanksgivings to write them all down. I will just continue to be humbled ... over and over ... 

So here's the thing. If you noticed from the above playlist there are several songs missing. Steffany Gretzinger ... her album "The Undoing" has not been uploaded to Spottify. I'm so sorry to leave those songs out here. But they are listed above and I hope that you'll look them up other places and listen. 

Also, with so much going on and changing in November, I am not posting a schedule. I'll be teaching and I'll be out of town. If you want to find me, comment or email or text and I'll let you know where I'll be. 

Thank you Friends, for all your support! I can not wait to share with you after retreat!!
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