The Conversation

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hey Friends, I’m working on something. Starting this blog has been harder than I thought it would be. For starters, I've got to figure out what it is I want this blog to be about. To figure that out, I have to figure out who I am and what’s important to me, because if it’s not important to me, I’m not going to have enough passion to write about it … more than once. I want to share about my life and what’s happening in it. But I want to be honest and real. I don't want it to be a place that looks like a mom who's got it all together because I am far from it. I didn't start a blog because I have answers; I started because I have questions. A lot of them. I want this blog to be a conversation. 

Recently I've been perusing through old journals and prayers. And it has been amazing! I have learned more about myself reading about myself than I have just being myself. Make sense? We’ll talk more about that later I promise. For now, here’s what I can tell you, I do have a passion. If I’m going to share something with the world, the most important thing I've got is Jesus. He is every part of my life. He is in my marriage, my parenting, my family, my personal space, my yoga. He's the first person I ask questions to. He's the only answer I really care about. He is my Hope and My Salvation. He is the only reason that the rest of my life makes any sense at all.

So here’s what I've got. I've got a story. I've got one story of a girl who was wondering. She was alone in a crowded room and believed there was nothing that made her special. She tried to invent herself and only found herself standing knee deep in mud. She was just a little girl lost. Until the day she met Him. He entered her world and changed everything. Her life has never been the same! I want to share that story with you. And I’m not the only one.

I've started a conversation with some friends. We all have different stories. Some of us were saved at an early age and some of us have lived in the thick of it ... the yucky muck and have been saved knee deep from it. The one thing that makes our stories worth telling is Him. So that’s what we’re going to do.
Over the next few weeks I’m going to be writing about myself. About my life before I met Him, how I met Him, and how things are different and better with Him in it. I've asked some others to join me so you’ll also get to meet my friends. When you read their stories, you’ll understand why I love these women and why they mean so much to me.

So Friends, grab a cup of coffee a comfortable spot and whatever device you read my blog from. Come back and read. I hope you’ll keep visiting. I hope you’ll join the conversation. Do you know Him already? I’d love to hear your story too! 

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