Singing Over Me

Monday, December 9, 2013

When someone loves Jesus with all their heart, its evident. You don't have to wonder if they trust Him because they radiate Him. They love differently, they speak differently, they serve differently and they lead differently. How could you not love them? How could you not want to be around them?

Meet my friend Amanda. When I asked her if she would share a bit of her life here, she responded with, " ... I feel like my story is boring" BORING? You couldn't be more wrong my friend. There is nothing boring about giving your life to Christ at an early age. For those of us who didn't, who had to live through some things without Him first, there is encouragement there. It helps me to know that God can do what He says He can do. I know that I can trust Him no matter what. It gives me hope for my own children to know that they don't have to walk the same path I did. It pushes me to help them know Him early, whatever they do with that knowledge is between them and God. But I pray they cling to Him, like you did. Because of your story, I know that its possible.

Amanda and her husband Jamie leading Worship one Sunday morning. Always singing. Always praising.

 Singing Over Me ...

I remember laying in bed with my mom at night and in the morning singing to her. Little hands, little voice. I remember her asking me questions. I remember her saying how can you know He loves you? How can you see what heaven will be like? And then she saw, and she knew too.  Savior.
I remember singing Amazing Grace with my Dad holding his hand the whole way to school. I remember the way he looked at me when he was happy and the way he looked at me when he was disappointed. I knew they were both love and so is He. Father. 
I remember singing to Him as I went around and around the driveway on my banana-seat bike. Love songs I made up.  Friend.
I remember riding to school one last time with Dad. Last day, last dad-packed lunch. Bigger hands, but still holding his. One more time singing. Amazing grace how sweet the sound. Grace-giver.
I remember meeting him. Fireworks popping.  He was different. He wasn't just a boy meeting a girl, he was interested in me. Asking questions. Do you love Jesus? Asking the important questions. Telling stories like how he loves to sing and play guitar. I heard Him whisper "This one" and I knew. 15 years old and I knew he was my gift. Giver.

I remember driving back to college, singing all the way. Back and forth and so many songs. Protector.
I remember his story about how he was coming to surprise me, but his car broke down a mile from my house. I left to go get him and came home wearing a ring. He surprised me and my heart sang. Faithful One.

I remember holding his hands, ready to say "I do" and the singing.."the God of second chances, picked them up and let them dance through a world that is not kind, and all this time sharing with the One who holds them up.." and how He does. Tower.
I remember her kicking. I remember changing and waiting and counting days. I remember her cry and the relief and the miracle. Holding her in whole wonder of His handiwork and the gifts He gives and singing to her, "sweet little baby girl. Be strong in this great big world." Creator.

I remember watching him last week, learning a new song on the piano upstairs. "Sing" he said. So I was singing " I will call upon Your name, my soul will rest in your embrace, for I am Yours, and you are mine." And we sing, and he plays and He hears.  Lover of my Soul.
And I know. "He is with me. He is a Mighty Warrior who saves. He takes great delight in me and he rejoices over me with singing" Zephaniah 3:17

And I know all the time He was there "'whether I turned to the right or to the left, I could hear my Fathers voice behind me saying, 'here is the path I want you to take, so walk on it.'" Isaiah 30:21

Yesterday, Today and Forever. Singing.


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