My Daddy. Well, what can I say about my Daddy? While I grew up, my Daddy suffered from chronic migraines. Our house was usually cold and dark. We didn't have people over a lot. But to an introvert like myself, it was a perfect house to grow up in.
My Daddy took his job as a Daddy very seriously. He worked hard to provide for his family and sometimes that meant long days and trips away from home. But he made his "at home" time count. He spent time with his family and we knew that we were loved. While I, like most kids, didn't have everything I wanted, I had so much more than I needed. The most important thing he gave me was a life surrounded by truth.
My Daddy is not a man who is going to tell you how he feels very often. I mean, he's not going to say it in words, he shows it in action. There was a period of my rebellious teenage years when I felt completely disconnected from my parents. You know what I'm talking about because we all feel that way at some point. It happens when you're in the middle of a transition period. When you're trying to figure out who you are and you're pretty sure no one can let go of who you used to be. There was a time I felt that way.
I don't know if he'll even remember this, but one simple act of love changed the way I would forever look at my Daddy.
I was going through my "grunge" period. (Yeah, I'm a 90s girl) My Dad was on a business trip to India. When he returned from any trip he always brought back gifts for us. This trip was no different. When he started to unpack I was a little distracted and really didn't care. I watched as my Mom was given a beautiful silk scarf. My sister received a beautiful beaded mirror with a brush. He stared handing out these really "girly" trinkets and bracelets. And then, he pulled out a bag and handed it to me. "Here Annie, I saw this and thought you'd like it." It was a plaid flannel button up shirt. Are you kidding me!? (If you are a child of the 90s you'll remember that was an integral part of the grunge girl outfit)
He got me. That was the moment where I knew that my Daddy, though we didn't talk about it a lot, was watching me. I wasn't invisible to him. He loved me and cared what was going on in my life. And he wanted to be a part of it. So, from that point on, when he did speak, I took him a lot more seriously. And I loved him more deeply. I am so thankful for my Daddy.
Honor God. He is my father and will never leave me nor
forsake me. My Daddy may disappoint me, because he’s human. But God never will.
Money doesn’t grow on trees. Only spend what you
have. Tithe first, God will get his money one way or another, it’s better to
give it willingly and with a happy heart.
Music is important. Always listen to good music.
Even though he said, “Once you’re out, you’re
out.” I always knew (and still do) that I can come home if I need to.
Work hard. But work smart. Respect your boss
even if you don’t like them. God puts people in places of authority and by
being respectful to them, you’re honoring God.
Always respect your mother. I always knew that
my mom was more important to him that I was. In today’s world that might sound
harsh. But to me, as a kid, that meant that my parents’ marriage was safe. And
the house I lived in was safe. It meant they were on the same team and there
was nothing I could do to manipulate them into disagreeing with each other so I
could get what I want. It made me want to look for a man just like my Daddy.
Send thank you notes. Hand written ones. It was
more about treating people with respect and letting them know you care. (I'll add that as a SAHM, mail is one of the highlights of my day.)
Dance with passion.
Never call boys. This one I HATED growing up. I
just didn’t get it. But now, it was about respecting myself and having others respect me too.
Take care of your car. Get the oil changed
before the light comes on. Don’t let your car get below a quarter of a tank of
gas. Take care of what you have and it will last longer.
I love my Daddy and wish him the best Fathers Day yet! And to all you Fathers out there ...
Happy Fathers Day!!