Tuesday: Resting in His Hands

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Tuesday; I am resting in His mighty hands today. As I type this I am sitting Tire Kingdom. I'm trying to get things ready for my family before I leave. So, when I looked down and noticed that it's time to get an oil change, the next obvious step is to take the family vehicle and get it prepped for me to be gone and my family to be safe. The good news: my SUV will be ready for my husband to drive all week. Bad news: I waited until my mom was out of town and no one could help me and so for the next few hours, I'm sitting in a waiting room waiting for my car. Now, my OCD listing checking self is going crazy. There are so many things that need to be checked off my list before I leave. But I have to laugh at the way God is so sweet that He's given me this time to sit and be still. Because I have no other choice!

The thing is, He always knows what we need. And He will give it to us if we ask. So, how did I end up "trapped" at the car place? Because I asked God yesterday to help me relax and find some rest before I leave this weekend. You have to be careful what you ask for because the gift does not always look like what you thought it would. But I'm thankful that me makes me laugh. I'm thankful that He gives and blesses me beyond what I thought was best. 

I'm trusting Him for next week too. Would you pray with me?

For my Family: Jamie, Brewer and Eva. 
Please pray first for their safety, that God would hold us all in His mighty hands while we're apart. Please pray for good health. It always seems that when one of us is gone, those left at home get sick or hurt. So, please pray for good health for all four of us. 
Second, would you please pray for our hearts while we're away from each other. I know we'll only be gone a week. But I'll be honest with you, this is the first time I've left my husband alone with the kids for a week. I trust that He'll be just fine, but it can drain you. God designed families. God's design was perfect with a partner to carry and support the load. When your partner is gone, grace abounds. Pray for grace to about when we feel the weight of the loneliness. Pray for grace to abound when we feel the weight of the responsibility. Pray for grace to abound when we are tired and at the end of ourselves. Pray for my sweet babies to be kind to each other and respectful and kind to their Daddy. 

Please pray for the other men and women who will be with me. We are all leaving behind family and loved ones. Pray for our hearts, our health and our freedom. God is working Friends. God is faithful. God will complete what He's started. Not one of us ended up here on accident. He has called and wooed us. He has worked in our hearts and in the hearts and lives of those around us. We know this full well. And that is what gives me the strength to get up, board a plane and leave my family behind for a few days. It's all for His glory. It's all for His Kingdom. 

And if you think about it, please pray that the dog gets fed. 

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