Monday: Breathe Fresh on Me

Monday, October 27, 2014


Guys, I am leaving next Sunday for the Holy Yoga immersion retreat. Can you believe it?!? Since God called me to teach yoga (you can read about that here) and since he introduced me to Holy Yoga and told me it was a part of my future, and then the waiting and praying and working and refining that took place ... its finally here. 

I am in awe of who God is and how He works. I am so honored that He would use someone like me. I'm nothing special, just a girl. But I'm a girl after His heart. I'm a girl who was changed by scandalous grace. And I'm a girl who wants everyone to know they can be changed too. He's oh so good Friend, oh so good and so faithful!

So, today I'm asking for prayer. Each day until I leave I'm going to post something you can pray for with me. 

Monday: Please pray that God will use these last few days to prepare me and my family for all that God will do while I'm gone. Please pray that He will be all over the trip in general. Please pray that He moves in ways we have not yet imagined. Please pray that God would work in Jamie and the kids while I'm gone to prepare them for who I am when I get back. Please pray that I am changed by this certification process. 

Oh Friends, I have been changed. This training over the last few weeks has already changed my practice, changed my time on and off the mat in so many ways I couldn't even count. 

Thank you Friends. Thank you for your prayers and for your love and support. 



  1. Yes, I stand in agreement with you my friend!

    1. You are so special to me sweet Friend. I am so thankful for your prayers and your support. God has so graciously linked us together for the sale of the kingdom and I am forever grateful.

    2. Sake of the kingdom! (Not sale…that would be odd)

    3. Aw... the feelings are mutual! <3 Haha, I figured it was a typo :)


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